
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm back!!!

I had the most amazing time in Sydney - we just got back at 2am this morning! Plane was an hour late and by the time we got thru with all our shopping......... LOL

I lost my camera over there unfortunately so I have no photos to share with you, so pleased I had taken off all my pics off the memory stick before I went! But once I get access to other peoples photos I will post some.
I have to spend some time with the family and catching up around the house (you would be amazed at how much stuff needs to be done! lol) so it will be a day or two before I have something to post for you, so keep checking back!
The Stampin' Up! convention was amazing, I have come back with so many ideas and inspiration. The best part was meeting other demos, and the SU staff etc. Neat to be surrounded by like minded people! Oh and I got a surprise by finding out that I got in the top 10 of New Zealand demos! I was blown away!! I feel chuffed as this was my first full year, I have only been a demo since Feb 09. SO thank you to all my lovely customers and wonder down lines who helped to get to this point!! Also the other wonderful demos who have helped me along the way. Ok 'Oscar' speech over! blahahaha
see you again soon.


  1. sorry about the camera - steal anything you like off my blog

  2. Hi Julie, thanks for comment and it was great to meet you too, I do hope we can catch up again sometime.

  3. would you like me to send you photos of anything particular from convention?? i took photos of all the samples boards and of stage presentations. :-)

  4. Hi Julia, thank you for swapping with me at convention. I love your little handbag it is so cute. I already have an array of ideas of what could go inside!It was lovely to meet you and maybe we will meet again next year in Melbourne.

  5. Hello Julia and thank you too for swaping with me at Convention...wasn't it awesome...If you can send me your address I am more than happy to send you a CD with what I took email is Cheers Melissa
