
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

top note die stepper card

I am in LOVE with this die!!!

this 'stepper' card is made using it, you have to fold the card a special way and then the whole card goes thru the Big Shot. It took a LOT of trial and error to work it out, trust me! hehe

I used Whisper White, Mango Mambo and Certainly Celery. The stamp set is Cottage Garden, one of my favourites from the last mini Autumn-Winter Catalogue. I have put Dazzling Diamonds on the flowers cause you can never have to much BLING!!

If you would like to learn how to make this card come to my class on Monday 10th May. Remember classes are 12.30-2.30pm and 7.30-9.30pm and are only $NZ15. Contact me on if you want more information.


  1. That is soooo cool Julia! You clever thing you. You will have to show me how you did this when I come up to Auckland in June - pretty please!

  2. Me too Julia or show us at clever clogs you ..fab you are!

  3. This is gorgeous, Julia. You're so good at working out how to do things!
