
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Swap Sisters Bonny Blog Award

One of the Design Team (Tia - at Swap Sisters has awarded me the Bonny Blog Award. Thanks hun!
So along with the award I need to share 5 things about myself so here goes:
1. I LOVE chocolate - oh you might of already known that hehe!
2. I watch Shortland Street - don't shoot me!
3. I love to wear red!
4. I have two older brothers - oh joy!
5. I am allergic to oranges.

Now I also need to pay it forward by awarding this award to 5 other bloggers so here goes:
(and in no special order hehe)
Ann Wills
Mandy Andrew
Barbara Taylor
Kirsty Walley
Bron Helsop

so go and visit these lovely ladies blogs and say hi!

Sorry I haven't been posting any photos but I lost my camera in Sydney and still trying to sort out insurance! But hopefully this weekend I can 'borrow' one of the kids camera's as I have been doing some crafting which I would love to share with you.

see you soon.

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