
Sunday, June 13, 2010

TiNy TaGs

This card was CASEd from the one and only Shelli Gardner who is the Co-Founder of Stampin' Up! Shelli showed us a version of this card at convention so I just HAD to give it the Razzleberry!
I used the Tiny Tags stamp set ($36.95 clear mounted - $45.95 wood mounted) on the little tags which I punched out with the Medium Jewelry Tag ($24.95). The DSP at the bottom of the card is the lovely Cottage Wall using Rich Razzleberry, Old Olive & Orchid Opulence, thus matching the ink I used on the tags. The greeting is embossed in white and from the AWESOME set Teeny Tiny Sentiments ($58.95 clear & $73.95 wood for 24 salutations!)

I had heard a lot of people put Shelli up on a pedestal - and I thought "she is only another human - whats all the fuss"! but when you met her and hear her talk and share, hear about some things her and her husband Sterling do behind the scenes you realise that she is special! When they found out that I was due to go on stage and hearing about my illness, they made sure Sterling was there to help me waddle up the ramp to get my award and waddle down. How sweet are they!!! I was truly touched.

They set a great example for company heads. The Stampin' Up! business is built on thoughtfulness - one of the things that Shelli spoke about at convention was to keep our businesses honest. We were encouraged to ensure that whilst moving our own business forward and building it up we MUST be careful that our actions are not harmful to other demo's businesses. I love the ethics that Stampin' Up! work by. Of cause there will be decisions made by Company's that we work for that might not be what we personally want, but these are always and only made for the benefit of the Company on a whole. If you would like to hear more about working as a Stampin' Up! demo contact me and don't forget there is a 20% discount on the Starter Kit so it's only $299 - I am also offering a free scrapbooking kit (worth over $40!) to anyone who joins my team before 31 July 2010 when this special ends.
You can personalise your kit to stamp sets and colour's that YOU love - so email me ASAP!

1 comment:

  1. Cute card, Julia. I can't remember Shelli showing us this one! I totally agree about our company - she's a great example of genuine honesty and care.
