
Monday, August 2, 2010

Birthday Cards

Here are two cards I have made last week for two teenagers that I send cards to.
The first one is made from the cute set Sip by Sip - perfect for a coffee loving gal like Allie (that's who the card is for). This set will not be available after the 31st August as it is retiring. So if you want it (115866 $49.95) contact me ASAP to ensure you don't miss out. I also used some cool Rub Ons on this card, which are a fun way of adding colour to a project - Stampin' Up! have 3 sets of Rub Ons which will also not be available after the end of the month. As you can see a lot of items wont be available when the current Ideas Book & Catalogue ends at the end of the month. SO make sure you contact me if there is something that you have had your eye on. Many of the items are reduced by 25-50% so contact me and I can email you the Retirement List.
Also if you would like to pre-order your copy of the new Ideas Book & Catalogue (due to launch on the 1st September) then contact me today. I have had a sneak peek at some of the products and you are going to love it!!!
The second card is made using a stamp set that isn't or hasn't been available in New Zealand but it is just to cute not to show you. It is a very simple card - which is great for teenage boys who don't really take in the 'artisticness' of a card. Sam is into computers (not many teenage boys aren't eh! lol) and also loves his cat so you can see why I just had to use this stamp set!
Sorry I didn't post over the weekend - we had one of those weekends where nothing went as planned! But things are calming down today so lets hope the week just improves - I wish you all a great Monday and thanks for visiting my blog.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a clever Clogs! I especially love the Coffee card. I should really be known as the Coffee Queen - I drink enough to keep all the companies going, hehe
