
Sunday, September 12, 2010

tent card

this card is called a tent card - I am guessing because from the side it looks a bit like a tent! LOL
I used the set Printed Petals which is new in the Stampin' Up! Ideas Book & Catalogue this year. I used a colour that I don't often get out - More Mustard. Sometimes you forget about some colours cause you are besotted with another - More Mustard often doesn't get to come out to play. Teamed with Whisper White (I used textured card stock for this) and a bit of So Saffron it isn't too bad. Sometimes it's good to create with colours or tools or even stamp sets that aren't your favourite. This particular set I got while I was at on Convention in Sydney so I have had it since May but hardly used it. Only fair it finally got a turn!
The other colour I haven't played with (at all I think) is Bravo Burgundy - so may that might be a challenge for me or you - I would love to see some creations with this colour!!

NOW don't forget I have my FREE launch for the new catalogue on Sunday 19th September @1.30 - come along and see all the great new products, have a play and enjoy some yummy refreshments with some other crafters. Just let me know that you can make it so I can ensure I have enough munches and FREE BEES!!!!!!!
Also I have class this Wednesday and we are making acetate cards. Classes are 12.30-2.30pm and 7.30-9.30pm $15.
Email me to reserve your spot at either events.


  1. This set looks great in that colour Julia, I too tend to overlook that colour, but you have done a great job of it, like the "tent" aspect too.

  2. I love the colours and the card Julia.

  3. Awesome, Jules - great to see that colour get some good PR! I don't use it, or Bravo Burgundy, either. Perhaps I'll take up your challenge....

  4. Gorgeous card Julia! We must have similar tastes because I don't think I've ever used More Mustard and Bravo Burgundy either... And, all the best for your launch on Sunday!!

  5. this is a gorgeous card... love the way you can see in the window!!!
