
Saturday, September 18, 2010

time for a morning cuppa?

I love this new set called Morning Cup. It covers both coffee and tea drinkers. So far this is the only project I have made with it. The backing card is Early Espresso, then I have layered it with the green - Wild Wasabi, and stamped directly on to River Rock. I used a Wasabi, Bashful Blue and Peach Partait to colour with a blender pen. I think it has a retro look. The thin ribbon usually has a light (cream or silver we can't work out yet LOL) edge to it which didn't suit the card so I ran it under my Early Espresso marker pen which took the harshness away.
I used the scallop oval and boarder punch to give it some more detail.
As you can see I haven't been able to use my stone background I usually take my photos on - we have had some really BAD unseasonal spring weather of late so no outside photography! At the moment we are being hit by the biggest storm in the world - it's about the size of Australia!! So hopefully it wont keep keen crafters away from the two events I have this weekend. I have a big class/workshop where 18 crafters are making three Christmas Cards today and tomorrow I have my new Stampin' Up! catalogue launch. I still have room for a few more people on Sunday for the launch (a FREE event) so if you are lost for something to do on Sunday afternoon and are in the Auckland, New Zealand area email me -


  1. Cute card, this set is appealing to me more and more :)
    the storm has passed over Wellington yesterday- but it was a good one.

  2. I just love this card even more, every time I see it. Being a coffee girl, it really appeals! TFS

  3. Seriously cute Julia especially if a piece of chocolate cake on the side ;-)

  4. Gorgeous card, Jules - loving your colour combo.

  5. I saw this card on Splitcoast Stampers and your user name caught my eye. Being a Kiwi currently living in Canada, it was so nice to find a fellow New Zealander. You have a great blog. I will definitely be visiting again :)
