
Saturday, February 12, 2011

favourite childhood memory

Over on Crafters Anonymous we hold fortnightly challenges and for the last two weeks it's been about childhood toys and memories. I struggled a bit with this one - probably because it was SUCH a long time ago that I was a child! lol Also converting memories to a current project required a bit of thought! You can do the challenges in ANY medium you like but of cause I wanted to use my favourite products - Stampin' Up!
So I made this book card. I first saw a lady make one at an open craft day I held and thought it was a brilliant idea - but didn't think to get a pattern off her - so I had to work it out myself. It wasn't that hard actually - just draw a book first and work out where score lines need to be and card trimmed away. I think I will make this our craft project for this coming week at my Wednesday classes (12.30-2.30pm & 7.30-9.30pm). So email me if you would like to come and make some
On this one I used Soft Suede and Very Vanilla. Wanted to keep it to only two colours as many of my favourite books as a child were just like that - not like the bright flashy covers of many of today's books. The Lovely Letters alphabet stamps are perfect for creating the title using the Soft Suede ink and the little deer from Forest Friends just finished the cover off (after a bit of sponging of cause!) .
Inside I kept it simple - just used the stamp from the awesome Word Play stamp set that helps to set the scene and tone of the card. I would use a card like this for sending to an old childhood friend.

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh how very cool...It makes me giggle. My dad had the job of reading to me...and it was ALWAYS Chicken Licken...Everynight for god knows how many My poor Dad!!! hehehehehe
