
Monday, April 18, 2011

New Zealand Woman's Weekly

I am SOOOOO pleased to announce that I have two cards featuring in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly dated 25 April but on sale now! So go and grab yourself a copy and flick to page 49 you will see my two Easter cards. I am so excited about it as it's the first time I have been published - pity it doesn't actually have my name in the magazine but - trust me - they are mine! lol
Have a great Monday!!


  1. WELL DONE YOU!!!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see them - WOOHOO JULIA ♥

  2. Rang Grandma and told her to read fast so I can have her copy. LOL Go you cant wait to see it

  3. Woohoo Julia to buy a copy this arvo!!

  4. Well done, Jules - when I get out of the house, I'll go get a copy! Way to go, chickee!

  5. Congrats Julia! Very exciting for you :)

  6. Well done Julia, i will be going out first thing tomorrow morning to grab a copy, i love your creations, they are always original.

  7. Congrats, how exciting for you Julia. Wish I could get a copy over here in Australia. Are you allowed to photograph the applicable page and post it on your blog?

  8. thanks guys - I am waiting to hear back from the PR company on that.

  9. Hi Julia, I buy a sub to NZWW for our daughter and eventually some of the mags make their way to me - so I sneaked a look at the Supermarket - well done - then daughter rang and said Mum, in the latest NZWW there are some SU cards :-) I had to laugh, she is not even into craft..Let's hope we all benefit. Brenda
