
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

we had a weird afternoon yesterday!

Yesterday just before the kids were being let out from their schools a 220km ph tornado swept through Albany. It came down just a few hundred meters from my sons school and then made havoc around the Albany shopping mega centre and Westfield Mall. Unfortunately one person was killed when some he was picked up and slammed into concrete, heartfelt sympathy to his grieving family and friends. Many people were injured with sheets of flying roof iron around and cars were lifted and dumped meters from where they were parked.
Thankfully we were about a 500 meters from the path and to be honest I didn't believe it had happened until I saw it on TV!! My son came home from school feeling sick and so my daughter and a friend was going to do his paper run but they were too freaked to go out in the weather!
SO thank you to all those who phoned or texted to see we that we were ok! We really appreciated your thoughts. Our house and the kids schools weren't harmed at all.
Needless to say I haven't had a chance to take photos of what I have to show you today - so come back later today for the 'floral fantasy' card I made which my class is doing this afternoon.


  1. Wow these kind of things just aren't supposed to happen on our side of the world. Glad to hear you're all okay.

  2. Oh, Julia... so glad to hear that you are OK, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those that are affected, especially the family of the man that was killed! You are in my prayers! Xoxo, Kim

  3. Hi julia,
    Glad to hear you are all fine.
    It was so unreal what happened, you are all in our prayers.
    I txted Bron and asked about you guys as I didn't have your number.
    Looking forward to seeing your creations soon.
