
Monday, June 13, 2011

boxes boxes boxes!!!

This is what my craft room looks like!! We are all set to shift next Monday (20th) so I had to pack up my craft room. It actually didn't take long to do as a lot of my things are in cartons etc. The red tap on everything is for the shifters to know that it all goes into my craft room. We have rooms coloured co-ordinated hee hee!
So there won't be many projects to show you over the next 10 days or so. I have some saved up to post so it won't be a complete drought!
Hope you all have a great week!!


  1. Oh my goodness lol, would hate to think of the work with just the craft rooms he he he. A terrific idea with the red tape though! Good luck with your move xx

  2. You certainly are organised Julia! All the best for your move into your new house. We'll almost be neighbours :)

  3. Wow Julia, what big job.
    When we shitfed 3 1/2 years ago I didn't have much stuff but oh boy I do now, we will be staying put for a while longer.
    All the best will the move.
