
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stocking Punch - love those red shoes!!!!

I couldn't do a stocking punch card set without something glamorous or sparkly! Every girl has a favourite pair of shoes and mine are red!! And yes I have 'cankles' like this lady - actually it could easily be a self portrait! hehe The heals are the 'hanger' part of the stocking punch. To achieve the definition on the legs I started with Pink Pirouette then sponged the legs with Whisper White craft ink then lightly sponged the edges with Chocolate Chip. It just makes it look like she has stockings on, you could try and sponge some shape into the legs/feet/ankles but as I don't have any shape in mine I didn't put any on the card! lol
Using the crimper again for the dress - just helps to give the card some texture. Two more stocking punch cards to come (more if I design more hee hee) so see you tomorrow.


  1. This is such a COOL card - love it and your blurb which bought a smile to my dial :)

  2. How cool! How very cool! Love your ideas with the stocking punch - just way too cool!

  3. wonderful idea.... I sure love my punch and glad I bought it when I did.... thank you for sharing your creativity

  4. And I've learned a new word today... 'cankles' thx for sharing

  5. silly as this may sound - the shoes look great - did you create these or was this from another cool punch idea?
