
Sunday, February 12, 2012

anyone for CRICKET???

I had my monthly class today and we were going to make some cards using the Stocking punch, rather than copying one I had already made Vicky requested a cricket one so between us this is what we came up with! I really enjoyed making this, I am sure I will find someone to give this to - eventually! Maybe I should put it up for sale??
There is still another few stocking punch cards I want to make - just a matter of finding some spare time!! Where does it go??????????????????????


  1. Thanks for the lesson and helping me come up with this one, I am sure it will be a hit with my cricket mad boy!

  2. You are certainly getting your money's worth out of this punch Julia. You are too clever! Loving them

  3. Dang Julia, this is absolutely darling too.... you are such a wonderfully creative person... Thank you for sharing...

  4. Love this card.
    I will be picking your brains at stamp camp! So watch out!
