
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Last nights class on Crafters Anonymous with Anne Brignall

Firstly sorry for delays in my blogging - I've been sick with sinus and found it hard to craft but I finally went to doctor today who gave me some antibiotics (the first time in over 10 years since I had some!) so hopefully my crafting mojo arrives soon. I did make this yesterday for our online class last night - I kept it simple for obvious reasons! lol This is a new stamp set and DSP from the upcoming Autumn-Winter Mini Catalogue that comes out on the 1st April. I am having a launch class on the 1st April so if you would like more details email at
The card fold is new to me, Anne picked a good one I think! The white card pulls out for you to write your greeting on it. I think it's nice to have something from the usual!
happy crafting!

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