
Friday, June 8, 2012

happy birthday hubby!

today is my darling (and very patient) husbands birthday - and a big "0" too! I was running out of time so didn't get to make a big fancy card for him but I managed to throw this together for him. He loves cars, boats and travelling (and would one day like to fly a plane!) so I thought the sentiment of "may all your wishes come true!" would be perfect! We do have 4 cars (his, mine, sons a & a classic mustang) and a boat so we are slowly getting there hee hee! but I totally refuse to get a plane!! there would be nowhere for it to go! LOL
Anyway Craig - hope you have a lovely birthday xxxx



  1. A fabulous card for a wonderful occasion Julia :)

  2. LOVE THIS CARD! Its perfect in every way!
    Hugs, Sheryl
