
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

love a lacey card!!!

Firstly I apologize for my delay in posting - my camera died and my kids were never around when I needed their camera!!! SO I have a whole heap all ready for the next week or two! hehe

This card is SO easy to make it's not funny!! The hardest part is pressing the big punch! I cut the A4 in half long ways and score in half. Then using the Lace Boarder punch punch twice down one side - the key is to flip the card over and punch it from the inside. If you don't do it this way you will have different sides as one has a punch out at the top and one doesn't. If you look at the picture below you will see these differences at the top of the card. But as I said just flip the card over ensuring you punch from the fold in the card down you will be right. A lesson I learnt AFTER I made the below card! hehe

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful. This is one I am definitely going to CASE.
