
Sunday, June 17, 2012


Happy Sunday everyone and isn't it truly winter with this cold weather. To be honest I am LOVING every minute of it as I tend to feel warm all the time! hehe
Don't forget to contact me to reserve you set for next Sunday's class using the Simply Scored scoring tool!
Class: Simply Scored Class
Time: 1pm 24th June class followed by afternoon tea :)
Location: 22 Remu Place, Greenhithe (my place!)
Cost: $15 or $5 if you have bought a scoring tool from me. Today is the last day to order your score tool to ensure it's here before next Sunday's class - tool is $67.95 so I will be ordering tonight at 8pm. Demonstrators in my team are welcome to come too for the reduced price of $5.
What to bring: Your scoring tool of cause, and your normal crafting tool kit - trimmer, scissors, adhesive etc.
RSVP by Saturday 10AM
Looking forward to seeing you -


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