
Friday, July 27, 2012

a little 'flirty' pot mitt

I have been wanting to try this 'chenille' quilting style for some time. It's fun to do, esp if you use masking tape to help you get straight lines - a friend suggested that to me the other day and I was like "DUH" - can't believe I never thought of it before!!! I thing it will look better after it's been thru the wash -although I did wet it and put it in the dry for a while. It's quite hard to photograph so you can see the Wisteria colour coming thru from under neath. But it does look cool in real life! Well I would say that - I made it! blahahahahaha. The fabric is two of the three fabrics in the Stampin' Up! fabric pack - "Flirtatious" - hence the title.
On the back I used two layers of the heat resistant padding so it's ready to be used - although at the mo it's still to pretty to use!
Yippee it's Friday, one day left before the Olympics start - hope your Friday is all you want it to be! I'm off to have a coffee with a friend and then some shopping - what a life! lol

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