
Friday, September 14, 2012

a simple thanks

two weeks ago I went down to Christchurch for a special Stampin' Up! Heartfelt event. I first went down to met up with some of my team that I hadn't actually met face to face! But when the New Zealand Manager for Stampin' Up! heard I was going down she asked me to present - eek! lol And on an aside I'm presenting again tomorrow in front of more than twice as many people!!! (double eek!).
One thing that really helped while I was down there (and some before I got there) was the support that some close friends gave me. I had a sudden dip in my confidence before the event and wasn't sure my project was good enough but these wonderful woman helped keep me centered and strong. SO when I got back home I made them each this card to say simply say THANKS! I used Betsy's Blossom to start with. I wanted a card that was all about the sentiment - and simple and basic.
SO thanks ladies - I couldn't of done it with out you - FRIENDS are great!xx

1 comment:

  1. Juia, I love this simple little thanks card you've made with the Betsy's set as to be honest, it's not one of my favourite sets and I only got it because of the discounted bundle, but do like what you've done here. Carolyn xx
