
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A great start to the awesome experience that is Stampin' Up! Convention

it all started with a fabulous "Leadership" day. For the afternoon we had some great classes for those of us who are Managers or above then followed with a LOVELY dinner. Yes everyone's name was up in lights - but it took awhile to snap my name! lol

Now as I'm gluten free I had different dessert (above) than everyone else (below) - and it was yummy too!

 and YES chocolates!!!

this is the cool conventional bag they gave all 700 attendees! My daughter has already claimed it as hers for school!

the theme of the event was 'a night with the stars' and our gift was this very cool film canister tin. Inside was a cute stamp set that will come out in the new upcoming catty. shhhhhhh I'm not spoiling any surprises for people! 


while we are talking about the lovely Stampin' Up! products tomorrow (30 May 2013) is the very LAST day you can get this amazing deal. Email me NOW - or even do it directly on line thru my DBWS site - available HERE


  1. Looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to go to Utah for the US convention. Just hope we get the same bag and then maybe in the UK too! Are you on the incentive trip? Hope to meet you if you are! Zx

  2. it was fun Zoe. Unfortunitly I didn't make the incentive trip this year, having been stuck with arthritis I've struggled business wise over the last few years but things are looking better now and have a few business goals I'd like to achieve in the future!!!
