here's a sneeky peeky at one of the new In-Colours that's coming in with the new catalogue on June 2! But want I really wanted to show you was what to do with those 'extra' foreign language stickers you get on the back of the stamp pads. I peel off the English one and put at the bottom edge like you should, then I put the one that most looks like the English version at the top end and then a tip I learnt at our convention was to cut up one and put it in the 'finger holes' on our stamp pads. That way you can see at a glance from the top what colour you have, cause some times you might have a few colours and the the inked pad look very similar. Cool and easy idea eh!
I am going to do a SPECIAL deal with ink pads - BUY FOUR and pick a fifth for free! You MUST order BEFORE 31 May 2015. The ink pads ARE going up on June 2 so this way you save even more money! I would suggest you order reinkers at the same time too- always good to have them handy and there are HEAPS of things you can do with reinkers other than just 'reinking' lol!