Monday, October 4, 2010

now for something completely different!

here is a toy giraffe I made for a friend. Apparently a friend of hers had a green spotty giraffe as a child but reckons her mother took it off her way to early and she was traumatised! So my girlfriend wanted to give her one for her 40th birthday - and as she couldn't find one anywhere got me to sew one.
It's been ages since I made anything like this but it was so fun to day (except the stuffing part! lol). Now that I have done some sewing my daughter thinks I should sew her some more clothes! Luckily she can sew herself so she will be doing some too! hehe
I promise we will be back to paper crafts for my next post! lol


  1. Thats sooo cute Julia :-)

  2. This is really cute giraffe Julia, and you can sew too? Lucky girl lol.

  3. He's very cute- what a cool 40th pressie idea.

  4. How gorgeous, Julia - make sure Ollie doesn't get his hands on it!
