Friday, October 15, 2010

I did it!!!

I got a TOP PICK over on Just Add Ink!! And it's extra special because it was for the PINK & BLING challenge which was to bring awearness to the Breast Cancer campaign which as we all know it needs a lot of support. Go over to and join in the fun - this weeks challenge is Just Add BLUE in support of Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month.

Today's card I am showing you is another tri-fold or shutter card.

and of cause it's another Christmas card. I used Baja Breeze, Very Vanilla and Cherry Cobbler along with the Jolly Holiday DSP and the Season of Joy stamp set. I really like using alternative colours for Christmas, can't wait to see what other colours I can come up with!


  1. good on you Julia and congratulations!!

  2. Gorgeous card Julia. Congrats on your top pick - you deserve it!!!

  3. Conngrats Julia, lovley card

  4. Well done, Jules! We knew you'd do it, it was just a matter of 'when'. I adore this card - can't wait to see it IRL.

  5. Woo Hoo Julia, well done, and well done on a lovely tri fold card too, its terrific.
